Transformation of an idea into a recipe, of primary flavors into architectures of taste, of raw materials into food. But also a culinary approach into a set of actions, of a process into technical necessities, of inert materials into tools. A Marrone kitchen is, first of all, this: a flow of transformation in which the Chef’s needs and his creative choices become first a project and then shape into a cooking suite. All this follows four basic steps.
The beginning, the white page, the place of possibilities. The encounter between Marrone’s and the customer’s ideas. Everything starts from here, from deep and unconditional listening to the customer’s story, of his project and culinary choices. A time during which preconceptions do not find space, and the use of the word “impossible” is forgotten. Together, we elaborate the recipe.
Tabula RasaThe time of planning. Needs receive an answer, which must be essential. A moment of synthesis and the assessment of possibilities. Listening is transformed into a concrete proposal, measurable and controllable, but above all without excesses and built around what was heard. Together we make architecture.
Cum Grano SalisThe decisive moment in which materials take a new form. The creation of the tool, the idea that became a project and is now tangible. The stone is smoothed, the steel bent, the energy harnessed, and everything shapes around the customer’s needs, ready to be a means of transformation. Together we make changes.
Deus Ex MachinaThe tool is created and takes its place in the world. In the hands of the Chef, a Marrone kitchen is an enabler of change. Art enhances nature, bending the forces of cold and heat to the artist’s service, allowing him to evolve, change, and innovate what he is. Together we give life to something new, we evolve.
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